Please don't post memes about Kobe Bryant, take it somewhere else.Okay, now that we have that out of the way:Repost chains will now be met with a 90 day banRepost chains like this and this are universally accepted as being annoying as fuck. We were banning people who posted these either permanently or for 7 days depending on how bad the content of the post was.Now we will be banning people who post these for 90 days.However, since we feel people can redeem themselves, people banned for this will have an opportunity to post 5 oc memes in r/SpecialSnowflake to be unbanned in dankmemes.We are hoping that posting original content in our reeducation camp sister sub will turn these people into good dankmemes users, and they too will feel the passionate rage the rest of us do when those things are posted.Speaking of r/SpecialSnowflakeThey are currently seeking mods to move people back into dankmemes as quickly as possible. It's a pretty easy gig, and you get to see dankmemes from behind the scenes. How very exciting.Apply Hereshills:Meme of the DecadeTwitterTwitchr/BelongsInAMuseum r/modsgay r/slothsbotblows r/unwholesomememes r/immapeeinurass via /r/dankmemes
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