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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Press F to pay respects

http://bit.ly/2TplAyB via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Wvk6EM

They are though

http://bit.ly/2Wyrpvy via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2BcWo7s

I guess I’ll die

http://bit.ly/2RvLCOH via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2G2zfbw

The most impressive thing about Steven Pruitt

http://bit.ly/2MI0lW8 via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2CVfj6C

Rip Piggy

http://bit.ly/2HG7lnl via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Rvn5cv

Format is gonna be big.

http://bit.ly/2DO5ARe via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2UyGYlc

Minecraft is still #1 on the App Store

http://bit.ly/2TpeKJn via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2CYqBXI

In honor of the man who made 3 million edits and 35,000 articles on Wikipedia

http://bit.ly/2CWQkjn via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2RZZy8J

Oh shit oh fuck

http://bit.ly/2CZiNVz via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2RYI7FR

Rip old ninja

http://bit.ly/2UyaOWU via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Sk3j8r


http://bit.ly/2RYwxdI via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2GepCWz

Only the chosen ones will succeed

http://bit.ly/2GbH8La via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2DOD1mV

every time

http://bit.ly/2G1HkNR via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2DKKnb1

Teaching Spider Man meme is here

http://bit.ly/2GcyvQx via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Ge9K6H

Only true intellectuals will understand

http://bit.ly/2TkuQE8 via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2BfPgqL

The truth has been revealed

http://bit.ly/2G1XzdY via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2GixYwi

Keep the Oogway memes dank!

http://bit.ly/2CWTP9n via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2MIYVe7

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: We heard your anguished cries, we did weeks of analysis, and we are ready to take on the challenge of making dankmemes dank again. Big changes are ahead, please read this if you post here regularly

Did I say weeks? I meant minutes.Hello all,We need to talk. Something has happened around reddit to cause an uptick in terrible content in this and other meme subreddits. After seeing this post in /r/4chan and this one here yesterday as well as the many, many reports we get regarding this issue, we decided it's time to do something about this problem.The theory that seems to make the most sense is that reddit offers these subs as your only choices under the "memes" tab for new users.. We will forgive a few of these subs as they are not really all that relevant to this discussion, but a few of them we believe are causing a negative feedback loop. Dankmemes OC meme makers will post their better stuff here and then post their throwaway garbage to /r/me_irl or /r/memes. That content is then picked up by morons and posted back into dankmemes. The meme creator made a choice to not post in /r/dankmemes but their objectively bad memes they shitposted to farm karma are finding their way here anyway. That's not okay.Our dankmemes users are obviously the best. That reddit was too nervous to put this sub on that list for new accounts I think is a sign that this may be the last hope of reddit having a decent large meme sub that isn't overly infected with /r/funny rejects and your stepdad's latest adviceanimal. But we need to tighten up, we can't just let this keep happening without a fight, amirite?We have our team of NASA scientists working overtime coming up with some highly sophisticated methods of weeding out the good from the bad. And none of you are actually bad, you've just lost your way a little bit. We can't let this sub be like the others. We need to stand together and tell the rest of reddit that we are NOT going to be like /r/memes or /r/me_irl, we are better than that.So, starting immediately, you may notice some changes to your experience here. We will be disallowing posts from people who are more invested in /r/memes etc than they are here. Those folks are the problem, they are bringing old memes, they're bringing normie shit, and some, I assume, are good people.Everyone can be redeemed, and we welcome the people with karma farms in /r/memes and other similar normie subs to consider joining us in making this the best meme subreddit of all time. But it's going to take some hard choices. If meaningless internet points matter more to you than this chance to do something greater than a personal karmascore, then fine, go make the coolest bad luck brian of the week and have fun with that shit.Or you could consider maybe not doing that, and we turn the volume up on this party, and rally around each other as the final push for reddit to have good memes and original content. The details of this plan we are keeping close to the vest. Just know that if you prefer the facebook-style meme subreddits over this one, then we don't really trust that you'll add anything of value to this place. It's not the end of the world though, you'll get a flair to remind you why you're not able to see your posts in the sub. You'll still be able to comment and participate, you just won't be allowed to post content.The restriction isn't forever, and it's very easy to avoid having your posts removed. Instead of farming karma in subs you know are shit, spend that valuable energy on making better posts for this sub. Fuck them, really, you're better than that to stoop so low. Does Gordon Ramsay go to Applebees because the steak combo is only $12 for a limited time? Fuck no. And why not? Because that shit is disgusting. Which is also true of pretty much every >1mil subscriber meme subreddit other than this one. Quit slumming it, let's push back finally, and make this the only sub worth a damn for original content.EDIT: This plan was leaked to other subs and ruffled some feathers. its okay though because this is the single most hilarious pm I have ever received. via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Rvg9fM

Adblock that cock

http://bit.ly/2G1BxrF via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2DLXQPN

This is my post from MemeEconomy. I’m putting it here where it belongs

http://bit.ly/2GaZVpQ via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2TlMJCk

It always be like that

http://bit.ly/2HIbUxF via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2G1Zejk


http://bit.ly/2GfyVFN via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Uxblbl

Outstanding Move

http://bit.ly/2ScV0va via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2TorzUi

ultimate epic battle royale

http://bit.ly/2HKHDhF via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2BbM2EM

Fuck fortnite

http://bit.ly/2WuKgrb via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2sXRIhd

Three movies worth of content but we just use one quote??

http://bit.ly/2MGl1xN via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2HK2NMT

U infidel

http://bit.ly/2sYcDAs via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2HH9wHA

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

http://bit.ly/2S51CN2 via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2CWLySN

Super soldiers

http://bit.ly/2CTum0B via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2B835Hx

Smh my head kids these days

http://bit.ly/2HHpami via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2HK23HB

Heyeeyey social media is bad

http://bit.ly/2WzgdP1 via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2CWLuCx

Rip in there's nothing here

http://bit.ly/2Rui4AU via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2HHXWvO

Deploy the garrison!

http://bit.ly/2WxBHvZ via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2HGB6EF

Now that's a lotta damage

http://bit.ly/2Bdp0NT via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Scp6it

Hentai memes > porn memes

http://bit.ly/2TmP7c8 via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Gbegmk

What have I made

http://bit.ly/2UxZcDj via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Gb72Pf

Pakistan be like...

http://bit.ly/2MFeOSy via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2GcAvbq

Add flair

http://bit.ly/2DKzN3w via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2BbcOx8

Outstanding move

http://bit.ly/2UyFY0n via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Giwgvh

Powerful enough?

http://bit.ly/2MIRFPo via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2G1WPoQ

Peeing with a boner is harder than giving birth

http://bit.ly/2TpbRbp via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2RslxjI

👏👏 Elon review

http://bit.ly/2UwiKHV via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2UsFoRB

Big if true

http://bit.ly/2UsuWtp via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2Gd5vZ5

Help me

http://bit.ly/2FX9z0h via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2RuOICw

We can do this guys. Together, as 1.8 million people, we can make this subreddit live up to its name.

http://bit.ly/2t51Ftj via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2DLCFx9

Fuck peta bro

http://bit.ly/2Wt0qBs via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2t0MGAd

these are facts

http://bit.ly/2Ge26JA via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2BaXdNK

I am fluent in captcha

http://bit.ly/2G96klD via /r/dankmemes http://bit.ly/2RZCXJH

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